About Me

I am a passionate developer, systems engineer and cloud architect with years of experience in designing, building and running applications in public and private cloud environments for Brisbane companies. My career started as a Helpdesk operator and progressed through Systems Administrator, Systems Engineer, Solutions Architect, Software Developer and now to Development and Systems Manager. I am a passionate supporter of Google Cloud Platform and you can find me at almost every GDG Brisbane https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/gdgbrisbane/ meetup as well as at the Brisbane CloudHero events. You will also find me as a mentor at the Rails Girls Brisbane http://www.railsgirlsbne.com event held every year and at digIT https://www.amt.edu.au/digit mentoring students in web applications and robotics.

You can contact me using the contact-me page located here: http://www.ianbrown.id.au/contact-me

GCP Bytes Podcast
Keen to hear more? I appear as a regular Co-Host on the fortnightly podcast GCP Bytes available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube.